Maximizing Gear Farming Efficiency in the Last Epoch

Reaching the endgame in Last Epoch is a thrilling moment for any player, but the quest for legendary gear and rare items to optimize your build can be daunting. With countless ways to farm gear in Last Epoch, it’s essential to understand how to efficiently target farm your desired items. By utilizing specific strategies and leveraging game mechanics, you can significantly reduce the time spent grinding for gear. In this guide, we’ll explore advanced farming techniques that can save you valuable hours and help you achieve your build’s full potential.

Unlocking Empowered Monoliths:

Before diving into targeted farming strategies, it’s crucial to unlock the Empowered Monoliths, which offer increased rewards and loot rarity. Completing the last three monoliths in the endgame will unlock the level 100 Empowered Monoliths. These empowered monoliths are pivotal for obtaining rare items and maximizing your gear’s potential.

Understanding Location-Based Uniques:

One of the key aspects of efficient gear farming is understanding that certain items drop exclusively in specific monoliths. Each monolith has its own set of exclusive Echo rewards, including unique and set items. For example, if you’re hunting for the Twisted Heart of Eos, you’ll need to venture into the Reign of Dragons timeline and defeat the Emperor of Corpses, the main storyline boss in that timeline. Utilize resources like Last Epoch’s tools to pinpoint where specific items drop, ensuring you focus your farming efforts in the right locations.

Optimizing Corruption:

Corruption plays a significant role in gear farming efficiency in Last Epoch. Higher corruption levels increase the rarity of items dropped, including rare and legendary gear. To maximize your corruption bonuses, consider focusing on grinding one monolith to 200 or 300 corruption before tackling others. This approach allows you to leverage the catch-up mechanic for corruption, granting substantial bonuses that enhance your farming capabilities.

Utilizing Circle of Fortune:

The Circle of Fortune provides additional opportunities to target farm-specific items through prophecies. By completing prophecies, you can increase your chances of obtaining the desired gear. Invest Last Epoch gold favor in prophecies that align with your farming goals, focusing on completing quests to rank up the Circle of Fortune quickly. Higher ranks increase the likelihood of obtaining uniques with legendary potential, further enhancing your gear farming efficiency.

Strategic Pathing in Monoliths:

When navigating through monoliths, adopt a strategic pathing approach to maximize efficiency. Aim to progress diagonally from your starting point, as this opens up the most potential branches. Prioritize acquiring Beacon nodes to reveal the map’s layout and identify unique nodes efficiently. Additionally, prioritize completing memory Echoes, as they reset all completed Echoes, allowing you to re-farm unique nodes and optimize your farming route.

Leveraging Greater Lenses:

Greater lenses offer additional flexibility in targeting specific farming conditions, such as dungeons or monoliths. By strategically using greater lenses, you can tailor your prophecies to focus on desired farming locations. Stack lenses to increase the likelihood of obtaining prophecies aligned with your farming objectives, further streamlining your gear acquisition process.


Efficient gear farming in Last Epoch requires a combination of strategic planning, understanding game mechanics, and leveraging available resources. By unlocking Empowered Monoliths, targeting location-based uniques, optimizing corruption, utilizing the Circle of Fortune, and adopting strategic pathing and greater lenses, you can significantly reduce farming time and optimize your build with legendary gear and rare items. Implement these advanced farming techniques, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a formidable character capable of conquering the challenges of Last Epoch’s endgame content.