Skull and Bones Codex Explained: How to Find Materials and Blueprints

In the vast and treacherous world of Skull and Bones, acquiring the materials and blueprints necessary for crafting can be a daunting task for any aspiring pirate. However, fear not, for within the game lies a powerful tool known as the Codex, designed to guide you through the depths of the high seas and aid you in your quest for plunder and power. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the Codex in Skull and Bones and how it can be your invaluable companion on your pirate journey.

The Codex, nestled within the Knowledge tab alongside other essential information, serves as a comprehensive repository of knowledge on every material, blueprint, and crafting requirement you’ll encounter. Upon entering the Codex, you’ll find a wealth of information neatly organized into categories such as ships, weapons, furniture, materials, provisions, and commodities.

One of the most powerful features of the Codex is its tracking capability. Let’s say you’re eyeing a particular ship blueprint, such as the Culverin 3. By selecting it and hitting the track button, the Codex will reveal the blueprint’s location on the map, guiding you directly to where you can obtain it. Once you’ve acquired the blueprint, the Codex continues to assist you by listing the materials required for crafting the item, along with their respective locations on the map.

But what if you’re in search of specific materials for crafting? Fear not, for the Codex has you covered. Simply select the material you need, whether it’s Ironwood or any other resource, and the Codex will reveal every area where it can be found. Additionally, trade routes where ships carrying the desired materials traverse are highlighted on your map, allowing you to intercept and plunder them for your needs.

It’s important to note that while plundering enemy ships can yield some materials, not all required resources can be obtained this way. Some settlements and outposts specialize in selling vital materials, providing a safer alternative for acquiring what you need, especially for those sailing at lower levels.

In essence, the Codex serves as your indispensable guide, offering invaluable insights and guidance to navigate the perilous waters of Skull and Bones. With its aid, you’ll be equipped to embark on daring voyages, acquire formidable ships, and amass the wealth and power befitting of a true pirate captain.

So, consult the Codex, chart your course, and may the winds of fortune be ever in your favor as you sail the seven seas in search of glory and riches, get a lot of Skull and Bones Silver and Skull and Bones Items.

Maximizing Gear Farming Efficiency in the Last Epoch

Reaching the endgame in Last Epoch is a thrilling moment for any player, but the quest for legendary gear and rare items to optimize your build can be daunting. With countless ways to farm gear in Last Epoch, it’s essential to understand how to efficiently target farm your desired items. By utilizing specific strategies and leveraging game mechanics, you can significantly reduce the time spent grinding for gear. In this guide, we’ll explore advanced farming techniques that can save you valuable hours and help you achieve your build’s full potential.

Unlocking Empowered Monoliths:

Before diving into targeted farming strategies, it’s crucial to unlock the Empowered Monoliths, which offer increased rewards and loot rarity. Completing the last three monoliths in the endgame will unlock the level 100 Empowered Monoliths. These empowered monoliths are pivotal for obtaining rare items and maximizing your gear’s potential.

Understanding Location-Based Uniques:

One of the key aspects of efficient gear farming is understanding that certain items drop exclusively in specific monoliths. Each monolith has its own set of exclusive Echo rewards, including unique and set items. For example, if you’re hunting for the Twisted Heart of Eos, you’ll need to venture into the Reign of Dragons timeline and defeat the Emperor of Corpses, the main storyline boss in that timeline. Utilize resources like Last Epoch’s tools to pinpoint where specific items drop, ensuring you focus your farming efforts in the right locations.

Optimizing Corruption:

Corruption plays a significant role in gear farming efficiency in Last Epoch. Higher corruption levels increase the rarity of items dropped, including rare and legendary gear. To maximize your corruption bonuses, consider focusing on grinding one monolith to 200 or 300 corruption before tackling others. This approach allows you to leverage the catch-up mechanic for corruption, granting substantial bonuses that enhance your farming capabilities.

Utilizing Circle of Fortune:

The Circle of Fortune provides additional opportunities to target farm-specific items through prophecies. By completing prophecies, you can increase your chances of obtaining the desired gear. Invest Last Epoch gold favor in prophecies that align with your farming goals, focusing on completing quests to rank up the Circle of Fortune quickly. Higher ranks increase the likelihood of obtaining uniques with legendary potential, further enhancing your gear farming efficiency.

Strategic Pathing in Monoliths:

When navigating through monoliths, adopt a strategic pathing approach to maximize efficiency. Aim to progress diagonally from your starting point, as this opens up the most potential branches. Prioritize acquiring Beacon nodes to reveal the map’s layout and identify unique nodes efficiently. Additionally, prioritize completing memory Echoes, as they reset all completed Echoes, allowing you to re-farm unique nodes and optimize your farming route.

Leveraging Greater Lenses:

Greater lenses offer additional flexibility in targeting specific farming conditions, such as dungeons or monoliths. By strategically using greater lenses, you can tailor your prophecies to focus on desired farming locations. Stack lenses to increase the likelihood of obtaining prophecies aligned with your farming objectives, further streamlining your gear acquisition process.


Efficient gear farming in Last Epoch requires a combination of strategic planning, understanding game mechanics, and leveraging available resources. By unlocking Empowered Monoliths, targeting location-based uniques, optimizing corruption, utilizing the Circle of Fortune, and adopting strategic pathing and greater lenses, you can significantly reduce farming time and optimize your build with legendary gear and rare items. Implement these advanced farming techniques, and you’ll be well on your way to creating a formidable character capable of conquering the challenges of Last Epoch’s endgame content.

A Crossbow Guide to Leveling Up Your Skills in Myth of Empires 2024

Welcome, fellow gamers, to another exciting journey in the world of Myth of Empires 2024! Today, we’re diving into the art of mastering the crossbow. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a newbie adventurer, leveling up your crossbow skills is essential for success in the game. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of quickly improving your crossbow proficiency so you can become a sharpshooting legend in no time.

Getting Started:

First things first, you’ll need a crossbow. It doesn’t have to be fancy or advanced; a basic crossbow will do just fine. Next, make sure you have bolts ready to go. These can be crafted easily within your inventory. Once you’ve got your crossbow and bolts sorted, equip them to your Hotbar for easy access during battle.

The Leveling Process:

Now that you’re armed and ready, it’s time to start leveling up your crossbow skills. Head over to your crossbow and take a look at your current proficiency level. In our example, we’re starting at level 71, but the process remains the same regardless of your starting point.

To improve your crossbow precision, you’ll need to practice shooting. Find a suitable target—preferably a training dummy—and aim. Fire off your bolts, reload, and repeat. One of the perks of using dummies as targets is that they collect your spent bolts for you, making it easy to replenish your supply and keep shooting.

The key here is consistency. Keep firing away until you reach your desired crossbow skill level. It may take some time, but with dedication and perseverance, you’ll see steady progress.

Tips for Efficient Leveling:

While the process may seem straightforward, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to level up your crossbow skills more efficiently:

  1. Focus on Accuracy: Take your time with each shot and aim for precision rather than speed. Accuracy is key to mastering the crossbow.
  2. Upgrade Your Gear: As you progress in the game, consider investing in better crossbows and bolts. Upgraded equipment can improve your shooting performance and speed up the leveling process.
  3. Utilize Buffs and Bonuses: Keep an eye out for any in-game buffs or bonuses that can enhance your crossbow skills temporarily. Take advantage of these opportunities to level up faster.
  4. Join a Guild or Group: Team up with other players to tackle challenging quests and battles together. Working as a team can provide additional support and motivation as you strive to improve your crossbow proficiency.
  5. Stay Consistent: Make crossbow practice a regular part of your gaming routine. Set aside time each day to focus on leveling up your skills, and you’ll see steady progress over time.


And there you have it, folks—a quick and easy guide to leveling up your crossbow skills in Myth of Empires 2024. With dedication and practice, you’ll soon become a master marksman capable of taking down even the toughest foes with ease.

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The Astral Ranger: A Ravendawn Online Build Guide

Greetings, fellow Ravendawn enthusiasts! Noori here, and today we’re diving into an exciting new build guide for all the adventurers out there. Ravendawn Online is a dynamic and evolving virtual world, and finding the perfect build to suit your playstyle can be both challenging and rewarding. In this article, we’ll explore the Astral Ranger build, a unique combination of Spiritual and Witchcraft trees, enhanced with the finesse of archery. I’ve spent some time experimenting with this build, and I’m eager to share my experiences, strategies, and thoughts on its potential.

Build Overview:

The Astral Ranger build is a delightful fusion of damage, shields, and light regeneration heals. This build is particularly well-suited for single-target encounters, excelling in both PvE and PvP scenarios. It thrives on the synergy between the Spiritual and Witchcraft trees, creating a powerful mix of damage-over-time (DoT) effects and precise archery.

Key Moves and Rotation:

  1. Arcane Pulse (Builder): This move serves as the primary builder, lowering the target’s defenses. Keeping three stacks on the opponent is crucial for maximizing damage output.
  2. Curse, Leech, Viper Arrow, Snare (DoT Rotation): These abilities contribute to the damage-over-time aspect of the build. The combination of curse, leech, and Viper Arrow, which scales off spell damage, inflicts substantial DoT on the target.
  3. Magic Rupture, Arcane Pulse, Arcane Torrent, Dawn Arrow (Main Damage Rotation): Switching to Magic Rupture, coupled with Arcane Pulse and Arcane Torrent, provides a powerful burst of damage. Int-based Dawn Arrow adds variety and confusion to the mix, disrupting opponents’ strategies.
  4. Whirlwind and Dawn Arrow (Defensive Tools): Whirlwind and Dawn Arrow, with their confusion effect, serve as defensive moves, providing survivability in challenging situations.

Passive Choices:

The initial focus on DoT-related passives provides additional damage and ensures sustained pressure on the enemy. As the build progresses, considerations for archery passives such as Exploitation and Marked for Death become viable. Additionally, exploring healing passives like Party Recovery and Healing Sphere can enhance the build’s sustainability.

Future Considerations:

As the build evolves, exploring archery passives like Exploitation and Marked for Death may enhance its effectiveness. Additionally, investing in Wind Strike, Spirit, and Haste, especially when equipped with cards synergizing with Dawn Arrow, could further optimize the Astral Ranger’s performance.

Stat Allocation and Gear:

Choosing a mix of plate and cloth gear, with a preference for a healing-focused plate, provides a balanced approach to defense and healing power. The gear currently utilized in the guide is T3 Ascendant, with an emphasis on intelligence, decks, wisdom, and the Use of Silver. The scepter and buckler combination enhances healing, making it a suitable choice for the Astral Ranger.

Notable PvP Moments:

The article includes footage of PvP encounters showcasing the Astral Ranger’s effectiveness in Harbor Island, a level-appropriate zone. The build demonstrates success in both 2v1 and 3v1 scenarios, emphasizing its viability for engaging player versus player content.


The Astral Ranger build offers a refreshing and dynamic gameplay experience in Ravendawn Online. Its combination of Spirituality, Witchcraft, and archery creates a versatile character capable of dealing significant damage while maintaining survivability. As the build evolves and higher-level content is explored, adapting and experimenting with additional passives and abilities will be crucial to maximizing its potential. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to Ravendawn Online, the Astral Ranger build presents an exciting opportunity to explore the vast possibilities within the game’s diverse class system. Happy adventuring!

The Hidden Settings Menu in Skull and Bones: Enhance Your Boating Experience

Today we’re setting sail to uncover some hidden treasures within the game’s settings menu. Prepare to embark on a journey filled with status effects, strategic insights, and multiplayer tricks to maximize your plundering escapades. So hoist the anchor and let’s dive right into it!

Unlocking the Hidden Settings Menu

Navigating through the interface of Skull and Bones, there lies a treasure trove of settings that can enhance your gameplay experience. First and foremost, we delve into the custom user interface, a realm often overlooked by many seafarers. Here, we unveil options such as displaying ship info, behavior icons, status effects icons, name labels, and distance labels. These settings provide vital information about your adversaries, enabling you to strategize your approach effectively.

Deciphering Status Effects

As any seasoned pirate knows, understanding status effects can mean the difference between victory and defeat on the high seas. From ablaze to flooded, torn sails to explosive damage, each effect carries its nuances and strategic implications. Ablaze inflicts high damage over time, floods and slows down enemy vessels, torn sails immobilize them temporarily, explosive damage wreaks havoc in a wide radius, and piercing damage bypasses armor for direct health depletion. Knowing how to apply these effects strategically can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Expanding Your Crew

While sailing with a small crew has its advantages, why limit yourself to just a few shipmates? By employing a clever trick within the social interface, you can invite more players to join your crew, expanding your party beyond the usual limitations. This opens up exciting opportunities for larger-scale plundering and coordinated attacks against rival pirates.

Maximizing Rewards

In Skull and Bones, doubling your Pieces Of Eight can significantly boost your coffers. However, accepting such offers often exposes you to the risk of PvP encounters. Fear not, for there is a cunning strategy to mitigate this risk. By coordinating with your crewmates and forming a protective flotilla, you can safely navigate to your destination and claim your doubled bounty without fear of ambush.

The Power of Unity

They say there’s strength in numbers, and nowhere is this truer than in the world of Skull and Bones. Whether you’re hunting down legendary bosses or engaging in epic naval battles, having a crew of skilled comrades by your side can make all the difference. By banding together and coordinating your efforts, you can conquer the seas and carve out your legacy as formidable pirates.

Charting Your Course

As we sail towards the horizon, let your ambitions be as vast as the ocean itself. Whether you seek riches, glory, or simply the thrill of adventure, Skull and Bones offers endless opportunities for daring exploits and unforgettable tales. So gather your crew, adjust your settings, and set forth into the unknown. The seas await, and the promise of untold treasures beckons to those bold enough to seize it.

For more guides and all the latest news about Skull and Bones, check out MMOexp. Cheap Skull and Bones Silver for sale here!